Marriage Ministry

A wedding is a day…a marriage is a lifetime!

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8 NIV

MISSION STATEMENT: The Marriage Ministry exists to strengthen marriage between a man and a woman and to provide biblical principles and life skills that will help them establish and maintain a healthy marriage.

MEETING SCHEDULE: Married and Engaged Couples get together monthly on the third Sunday. Emphasis is always placed on the importance of growing in our knowledge of God, His Word and building covenant marriage relationship.

MINISTRY’S MOTTO: “Married for Life!”

MINISTRY LEADERS: Br. Maxime Joseph, Sr. Tracy Joseph and Sr. Carole Eugene

PRE-MARITAL COACHES: Pastor Ronald Eugene, Sr. Carole Eugene, Br. Maxime Joseph, Sr. Tracy Joseph, Wilfrid Pierre and Sr. Cindy Pierre



RECOMMENDED READINGS: We have identified a number of key publications and books regarding marriage.

Our Marriage Ministry Leaders

First Lady Carole Eugene

Max Joseph

Tracy Joseph