Bring the best of the first fruits of your soil to the house of the LORD your God. – Exodus 23:19
Giving in Worship At each of our weekend or weekly services there is an opportunity for people to give. For your convenience, offering envelopes are available for your tithes and offerings. Also, building Fund envelopes are available for your sacrificial giving. Simply place your check or cash in one of these envelopes, write your name and full address on it and put it in the giving basket during our weekend or weekly service. If you place cash or change in the giving basket it is considered an anonymous gift and will be put in our general fund. Please ensure that the information on your offering envelope is correct so that we can record your contribution to your giving account.
Text to Give To give from your phone simply open your texting app and in the number enter 84321 and enter amount your would like to give (example $200). . When you click send you will receive a link to our online secure giving form.
Giving Kiosk In our lobby and the back of our sanctuary you will find two convenient kiosks where you can give. Just step up and follow the instructions
Mail in a Check – If you would like to mail in a check to the church, please mail it to the address listed below. Use the memo line to designate the fund for your gift
Old PayPal customers can still donate this way easily and immediately. You will receive a receipt from PayPal as well as New Vision