At New Vision Emmanuel Baptist Church we strive to work efficiently in all that we do, and a large part of what we do is in communicating with our members. Whether it is communicating about upcoming events, sending end of year tax receipts, contacting those in need of assistance or counseling. Communication is what we do, however, in order for us to communicate efficiently we need to know how best to communicate with you.

We understand things change, we move homes, we switch phone companies, and some may even give up that old email address. When those things happen we also realize that notifying the church of changed contact details is pretty far down on the list, and is sometimes forgotten.

This is where the census comes into play. If you are a member of New Vision Emmanuel Baptist Church, please complete the form on this page and we will make sure our records correlate to your current information.

Church Census 2017

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY