Next Baptism Class Begins: February 11, 2024
Hello and welcome!
One of the most exciting times in a Christians life is when they’ve made the decision to accept Christ as their personal savior. They have heeded the call and moved from “death to life”! Instead of having eternal death (Romans 6:23), the person has eternal life through Christ! (John 3:16).
“But this is just the beginning.”
“As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?”
Acts 8:36
The answer to the “eunuch’s” questions is “nothing”! Nothing should stop you from taking that next step of faith. We teach that baptism is an out pouring of what’s on the inside of the believer. Its an outward sign of an inward faith. Christ commends that we get baptized after we accept Him as Lord and Savior. An engaged couple displays their love and commitment for each other by having a formal ceremony before a group of people. Their love did not begin that day! No! They just wanted to make it official the world that they, for they rest of their lives, will be committed to each other. Christ wants the same thing.
One of the many things I hear people say is “I’m not ready yet, I”m still dealing with some things”. And to that I say, “you don’t have to be perfect to be baptized!”. If we only allowed baptism after verifying if the person is perfect, no one would be baptized! Its not about that; its about taking that next step of obedience. Once you do that, God will continue to help you grow!
As you walk more and more with Him, you’ll become more and more like Him!
We encourage you to sign up for baptism today if you’ve haven’t already taken that next step of faith!
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